Identifying the 7 Biggest Challenges Faced by Family Caregivers

Being aware of common issues caregivers in Vancouver and surrounding areas face can help you be on the lookout for signs you are experiencing them too. If you recognize early on that you are feeling any of these signs take action. It is easy for caregivers to overlook their own wellbeing, but taking care of yourself will not only help you, it will help the one you care for as well.

1.Self Care

It is not uncommon for caregivers to feel as if they are using the majority of their energy and early enthusiasm to do things like long night duty, running errands, researching, booking appointments etc. Time for self-care (e.g., sleep, eating, break time) activities is put on hold. In lieu of eating and proper sleep patterns, this burst of energy can fade quickly.

2. Financial Strain

Many family caregivers lose out on approximately eight to nine days of work because of their caregiving responsibilities. And, because there is no income coming in, the end result is often a strain on their finances. The longer family caregivers provide care for a loved one, the more financial strain they will feel.

3. Time Management

Family caregivers also report having less time for themselves and other family members (e.g., children and spouses). They spend so much time executing caregiving duties that they end up sacrificing fun activities forthemselves like taking a vacation, going to see a movie, taking a coffee break with a friend etc.

4. Declining Health

Approximately 1 in 5 family caregivers report feelings of emotional and physical stress as a result of their caregiving duties. As well, many caregivers feel a loss of self-identity, lower levels of self-esteem, and constant worrying feelings of uncertainty. This puts them at a greater risk for cognitive decline as well as depression and anxiety.

5. Lack of Privacy

Moving a care recipient into their home, can radically upset a caregiver’s routine. Caregivers often find that when that happens, moments of privacy everyone needs are no longer available for them, much less the personal space they used to enjoy.

6. Being Afraid to Ask for Help

Many caregivers feel guilty to ask for help. They feel they must assume the all responsibilities as that asking for some assistance may be a sign of weakness. The caregiver in turn starts to feel guilty that they are not providing the best care that they should.

7. Care Recipient Refusing Care

Not every senior loved one is ready to accept care or help from their family member. They want to keep their sense of independence, especially when the onset of an illness is sudden. Often this happens as a result of the person not understanding what they are being asked to do. As well, the requests that caregivers are making often do not fit with the care recipients standards and preferences. These represent just some of the challenges caregivers face. Knowing these issues and coming up with possible ways to help can provide a big boost to the caregiver in your life. It is important to seek a balance between caregiving and your own life. This is why the support of caregiver agencies is so important to family caregivers in Vancouver and the surrounding areas. Caregiver agencies allow family members to take a break from their caregiving duties so they can attend to their own needs, whether it is to focus on their own health or to pursue other interests. The cost of hiring a caregiver is often far less than doing it yourself. Many caregiver agencies are willing to work with you to create a care plan that is doable for everyone. They also work with you on setting a budget. They are your go-to for information and support and very often that is all family caregivers need to get through trying times.

Ace Personnel | Professional Caregivers for Seniors | Vancouver – Lower Mainland – Fraser Valley

If you need assistance with caregiver services for the elderly members of your family in the Vancouver, South Surrey, Surrey, Lower Mainland, Fraser Valley, White Rock areas, give our agency a call. We have trained and professional staff that will work around your schedule to ensure the most optimal care plan for your loved one. Click here to contact our agency today.