It is not always obvious when the elderly need live-in professional assistance. While not every elderly individual is sick or needs assistance, it might be difficult to tell if they do. There are many illnesses that may not necessarily affect a person’s outer appearance, but can take a tremendous toll on their health and vitality.

Here are three common illnesses that affect aging individuals, who may require homemakers for elderly care.


Regardless of how it is popularly and publicly perceived, dementia is not the same as Alzheimer’s and it is not a disease. Dementia is a set of symptoms that are related to other diseases. It can, however, be caused by Alzheimer’s if the disease progresses.

One of the first early signs of dementia is memory changes and loss. Elderly individuals with dementia may find themselves struggling to find the right words at times, or they may start forgetting where they put their glass or keys a moment ago. If your parents have been diagnosed with dementia, it may be wise to consider homemakers for elderly care.

Dementia affects so much more than memory, and it can have dramatic effects on their quality of life. As dementia progresses, those diagnosed with it may start having mood changes and personality shifts, problems with empathy, and confusion. Without supervision and help, they may accidentally hurt themselves or others. For instance, they may be confused about road regulations and laws while driving and could injure themselves or others by getting into an accident.

Hiring homemakers for elderly care to help your aging parents travel around the city and follow their normal schedule will ensure they retain the high quality of life they are used to enjoying.

Chronic Pain

While pain is normal after an injury, for instance, if it occurs six months or more after the fact, it has become “chronic” and can be harder to rehabilitate. Chronic pain can come and go at any time, even if you have done nothing to provoke it.

For instance, if you did not train well enough for your first marathon and you tore your quad muscles and needed surgery to repair them, the pain associated with that injury might come back later and unexpectedly, for instance while jogging up a somewhat steep hill. Without proper physiotherapy, the pain can last a very long time.

With chronic pain, assuming everything is healed, it is entirely a mental reaction to your previous injury. However, in the moment that pain strikes, it feels 100% real. Chronic pain can prevent you from even getting out of bed in the morning because moving hurts too much.

If your loved one suffer from chronic pain, you should consider hiring homemakers for elderly care. These trained and professional individuals will help your parents with services like bathing, dressing, mobility assistance, and more, all services that become essential when suffering from chronic pain.

Chronic Stress

We all get stressed out from time to time. You may feel stress from your morning commute, while you are at work, or even at home. Sometimes, the stress can overwhelm us and lead to physical and mental health problems like heart disease, digestive problems, depression, and sleep problems. While the elderly are not required to work and can receive benefits from the Government instead, many still choose to for professional and personal reasons.

As we age, these issues can become more harmful due to our weakening immune systems and our increasingly busy lives. If you are concerned about your elderly parents’ health, you should consider hiring homemakers for elderly care.

Experienced homemakers can help you and your parents with stressful tasks like housekeeping, transfers/lifting, and pet care. Even having help with one task that you find particularly stressful can provide immeasurable positive benefits to your mental and physical health. Now, your parents can continue working while in their twilight years without having to worry about such stressful tasks.

Ace Personnel is committed to helping you and your aging parents find help by providing homemakers for elderly care. If your parents are suffering from non-visual health problems like dementia, chronic pain, or chronic stress, any amount of assistance will help them retain their prior quality of life as they enter their twilight years. Ace Personnel has helped the elderly receive assistance in Vancouver, Lower Mainland, and Fraser Valley, British Columbia. For more information, please visit us at our website.