Needing some assistance while working from home or going back to the office, you may be wondering if it is safe to hire a nanny in Vancouver during the pandemic. While the decision is a very personal one for you and your family, it is an enticing alternative to using daycare services.

Nannies are in high demand in the greater Vancouver area. Especially, ones that are well-trained and educated. Another important criteria being added to the list is trust – finding a caregiver you know will follow social distancing guidelines outside your home.

In this week’s featured blog post, our professional Nanny caregiver agency in Vancouver provides you with 5 tips for bringing a nanny into your home during these difficult times.

5 Tips for Bringing a Nanny Into Your Home | Vancouver Nannies

  • Create a Shared List of Expectations– Sit down with the nanny to create a shared list of expectations that you would like them to follow when they are not at your home. The list may include properly wearing a mask when in public areas, keeping 2-meters or further from others, and washing hands often. The following provincial and regional guidelines can be used to guide you in setting the expectations.
  • Implement CoVID Protocols – Let the nanny know that it is safe to disclose any symptoms of illness without fear of repercussion. Also, let them know you want them to cancel even when in doubt or if they don’t feel 100% healthy. It is essential that nannies do not come in if they are experiencing CoVID-19 symptoms to help reduce your family’s risk of exposure. In the past, many nannies have been pressured to come to work even when they were symptomatic.
  • Decide on a mask policy – The decision as to whether you would like your nanny to wear a mask around your home is yours to make. Some families prefer nannies to wear masks as an added protection. In that case, it is a good idea to provide one. Other families consider the nanny to be a part of the family’s social circles and do not require a mask.
  • Decide on Vaccination Status Vaccination status can be a condition of employment. You would not be alone in implementing this requirement. In a recent survey, 8 in 10 families said they will not hire a nanny who was not vaccinated. That is because young children are not eligible for vaccination yet. Parents thus want their nannies to be vaccinated to create a safer environment.

Remember that even the most careful attempts at avoiding COVID-19 can fail. If your nanny tells you they tested positive for the virus, we recommend you speak to your pediatrician or family physician and let them know immediately. Ask the physician if your family members will need to be tested and if you should quarantine. Also, follow guidelines and directions from public health.

About Ace Personnel – Nanny Agency in Vancouver

Are you looking for a nanny in the Greater Vancouver Area; a full-time nanny or a night nanny? Ace Personnel helps you find the perfect fit. We are a trusted and experienced nanny service provider with over 40 years of experience specifically in the Greater Vancouver Area. Unlike when looking for a nanny in Vancouver on Craigslist or other independent sources, you can rest assured that with our service, you will find the best and safest possible nanny for your children. Contact us today to ask any questions you might have, or explore our nanny placement rates here.