New parents don’t need to be told that they need more sleep but being able to recognize the symptoms of sleep deprivation will help you to better cope. Sleep deprivation impacts your mood and cognitive functions which are key in everyday life. Yawning throughout the day may become a regular occurrence after having a new child but there are a few simple things you can do to minimize your fatigue. Turn your alarm clock up louder or even put it across the room so you have to get out of bed to turn your alarm off. By doing so you won’t just roll over and fall back to sleep once your alarm goes off. If you feel groggy when you wake up and struggle to stay awake during the day, a caffeine boost might be the perfect solution. Although coffee is great in the morning, avoid consuming it in the afternoon as it will prevent you from sleeping at night. Prioritize sleep, yes, dishes in the sink aren’t ideal but getting a good night’s sleep is much more important! Give yourself a bedtime to insure you get a decent amount of sleep each night. Bedtimes may seem like a childish thing but just like kids, our bodies don’t function properly when we don’t get enough sleep. Finally, avoid screen time before bed, it prevents your body from releasing melatonin which is crucial in order for your brain to prepare you for bedtime. These tips may help you get through the day but the only real solution is getting some quality rest and sleep!