20 02, 2013



"Wear PINK to symbolize a stand against BULLYING" Anti-Bullying Day:The original event was organized by David Shperd and Travis Price of Berwick, Nova Scotia. They bought and distributed 50 pink shirts after a male student was bullied for wearing a pink shirt during the first day of school at a Nova Scotia high school. In [...]

9 02, 2013

February is Heart month!


"February is HEART Month." In recognition of HEART and stroke month, Family Day and Valentine’s Day, We want to share some of ACE's staffs healthy Living tips: "WE Love sushi" Maximize the benefits of sushi by choosing pieces that are rich in Omega 3's, the unsaturated fats that protect your HEART and boost brain power. [...]

February is Heart month!2021-01-12T21:14:08+00:00
5 02, 2013

February 2013 Newsletter


Taking care of children can sometimes be challenging, but a safe environment can make this this job much easier. In this month’s newsletter we wanted to give you a checklist to help you childproof some of the rooms in your home.  Not every family will want to follow each and every item on this list, [...]

February 2013 Newsletter2021-01-12T21:13:20+00:00
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